The Writer's Lounge
The Mission of the Writers Lounge
A vision of the Kingdom
I know I posted a shorter about me post in the blog itself, but I wanted to give a more detailed statement of my beliefs, goals, and missions for this site
Perhaps you are wondering what is this site that you have stumbled on. Well, this is my personal website. Who am I, you ask? Well, I am Noah Mugrage, but you can call me the Silverwing if you so choose. What is a Silverwing you ask? A Silverwing is a bird native to the continent of Ossril known for its sweet and melodious song. Sort of what I'm planing to do on this site. (Only I'm not much of a singer...) I'm more of a writer, actually. Specifically, I am a writer of fantastic fiction. My hopefully soon-to-be published projects take place in a secondary world known as "the Dreaming" a world of Tolkienesque myth and wonder, inspired by my lifelong love of fantasy and my desire to use my tales to bring glory to God. The Dreaming encompasses several continents, of which Ossril is one. On this site, you will be able to find original stories set in the Dreaming universe, as well as supplemental information about the universe. There will also be book/movie reviews and my thoughts on culture and education.
My Values. As I am a Christian, my creations tend to reflect the image of my creator. This will not be a detailed statement of all my beliefs, but I would like to
I believe that God created the universe and that any act of creation can glorify or sadden him.
I believe that the human creative impulse can be used to glorify God and win disciples to the Kingdom of Heaven
I believe that the Kingdom of Heaven can be brought about on earth by our actions and godly leadership in every field of human endeavor.
I believe that education is a hard but ultimately worthwhile endeavor to bring a human being into the image of God.
These are the beliefs of mine that are relevant to the mission of this blog. This section of the post is subject to further clarification, as more of my beliefs/convictions/biases need to be clarified.
I know that Christian views tends to turn off some people, but this is how I feel that God works through my writing. My vision is to change the world with words and thoughts, which are my greatest weapons that my god has given me. So just know reader that there will be some countercultural and old-fashioned notions in this blog. I hope above all else that I can do justice to the Truth inside me and fulfil my bit of the great commission.
My philosophical views are closely in line with the beliefs of Saint Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and the writings of the Church fathers. I do not openly subscribe to a particular philosophical or political ideology, although if pressed, I would say that I am politically conservative. My approach to philosophy is eclectic and tends to borrow elements from thinkers who I believe have worthwhile things to contribute to the Kingdom. While I believe that Augustine was right when he said we could plunder the Egyptians, I do not believe that this translates to an uncritical acceptance of pagan and secular thought.
I also have signed the StoryEmbers Storytellers Manifesto, which is another set of mission statements that can be found on their blog. This set of values guides me in my work to glorify the Lord with words.
So, if this more detailed mission statement intrigued you, then strap in for the journey as I seek to use my pen to inspire and edify in tales of the fantastic.