So this is the long-awaited update on my new project that I alluded to in my last update. I realize it has again been some time since I have posted. That would be due to starting some college credit classes, work, and you know, actually writing the project. I realize that everyone is probably waiting with bated breath for me to tell about my new project, so here goes.
The name of this new project is Last Light of Outrymer. The idea came to me over Easter while I was pondering my love of obscure history and wondering how to fit it into a novel. The story is set in a world like our own, but different in several physical and historical aspects. Races and religions have also been changed from those of actual history. Specifically, the novel draws from the stories of the Provincial troubadours and their demise during the Albigensian Crusade of the 1300s. With that in mind, here is a blurb.
Fleeing from Rhodain, Enzar’s parents were killed by cruel soldiers when he was only thirteen. That night, his prophetic gifts manifested, and he was able to evade his pursuers with his budding prescience. Taken in by another Sardin clan, he grew in favor with Ogmarin, the clan chief, who adopted him as his son. When he came of age at eighteen, he was appointed envoy to the court of Outrymer his adopted homeland. Negotiating on behalf of his people, he never expected that he would fall under the spell of the princess Cathyrine who is held to be one of the greatest beauties in the world. When she aids him in a critical negotiation, he realizes that he is madly in love with her. Unfortunately, before Enzar can even tell her how he feels, she is given in marriage to the cruel prince Gorlois of Asshai, who locks her away on the outskirts of his kingdom once she has provided him with an heir. Outraged at this, Enzar raises an army to break her out, but the prince is as cunning as he is cruel and there are dangers waiting that even Enzar’s prescience cannot foresee.
This is not the most up-to-date blurb and some particulars of the plot have shifted since I wrote this in May, but it sets forth the general premise. As far as inspiration is concerned, the Asshai culture is meant to mirror Moorish Spain before the Reconquista. The Sardin are meant to mirror the Jewish culture of the Middle Ages, with influences from the troubadours of Province. In essence, it is a blender of various medieval cultures that are not as commonly riffed on in normal "medieval" fantasy. I've written the first six chapters this summer and hopefully once I get another project out of the way I will resume with the next section of the draft.
So that is the gist of my new project. Now for the other project I alluded to above. I have been working on a short story set in the world of Last Light that I am polishing to submit to an anthology hosted by another young writer named Grace Johnson, author of the Daughters of the Seven Seas series. The anthology is called Of Storm and Sea and the theme is nautical adventure. The title of the story I am writing is called Brendan's Last Voyage. It is a retelling of the legend of Brendan the Navigator, a 5th century Irish Saint who, according to medieval chroniclers, discovered the Isle of the Blessed. Right now it is finished but needs drastic editing before the deadline for the anthology. I will definitely be posting more about this story in the future, but as I'm revising it, I am going to keep the details close to the vest. That should be all for now as far as my works in progress are concerned. Here is the link to Miss Johnson's anthology for those who want more information.
Farewell. I'll try not to let two months elapse before posting an update again.