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An Update: On the Nature of Inspiration


So I realize it has been a while since I have written for the Writer's Lounge. That has been totally unintentional, mostly stemming from various positive and negative factors that were beyond my control. This started around April when I finished my senior thesis, and automatically it seemed like I became unable to write any new fiction. This was a sensation of creative burnout that has lasted until recently. However, I have learned quite a bit about the creative process of being a Christian writer. Since, a lot has happened to contribute to this burn-out, I will first list out the factors that led to my burnout and then reveal what the Lord has taught be through this.

The Factors

  • Finishing a massive senior thesis on the importance of classical lit to a person's education.

  • Trying to find a job

  • Promoting to 2nd Degree Black belt

  • Bad Allergies

  • Graduating from high school

  • Abandoning the Fantastic Comedy, an overly ambitious story world that I have been working on since I was nine.

So these are in brief some factors that led to my creative burnout/crisis of faith/need to not write, only revise. Now, before I get into the moral of this story, I'd like to clarify that my life Lord willing should be on track with a new job after this week, and I'm getting back into writing with a new novel idea. So that being said, what did I learn from these past few months?

1) It's ok to Not Write

In the first couple months, I felt guilty of not writing and moving my projects forward. This tormented me for a while, then I realized the truth. While I am a wordsmith, words do not form the total of my identity. I'd like to tell readers that I came to some earth-shattering revelation about who I am in Christ, but the truth is not so dramatic.

2) Therefore, at the same time, keep walking in faith.

The bible tells us as Christians to "occupy until he comes." This is a very valuable principle that I've been trying to incorporate in my faith and my writing. Even while I struggled with insecurity about my storytelling, I kept reading. I read the bible, theology, philosophy, writing manuals, modernist novels and more. When your brain is stuck and unable to tell stories, feed yourself with ideas, whether they are real or fictional. Eventually you will find something to make you unstuck. This feeding one's muse with ideas is one way we writers can apply walking in faith to our writing.

3) Also give yourself freedom to experience new things.

Don't just limit walking in faith to your reading. If you are stuck on your writing or just burnt out, focus more on other areas of your life. Speaking from experience, I had several milestone experiences that happened while I was on my divinely enforced sabbatical.

I defended my senior thesis. I walked through the ceremonies of graduation with my class. I finished a testing cycle that I never thought I'd have the will to. And when I had accomplished all these milestones I finally came back to writing, I realized I still have things worth saying.

4) Finally spend some time with the people you care about.

During my time off, I got to spend some time working with my grandfather. I also got to be encouraged by two moms from my homeschool group before and after my grad ceremony. My church family has always been at my side, even though they are scattered to the four winds of heaven some days. And I received the blessing of some of my dearest friends at my grad ceremony as well. My new project is inspired by these friendships. Specifically, the friends I'll miss once I am gone from high school, but I think all the experience with people I have gotten has fed into it. (Side note. I'll discuss the mysterious project in a separate post.)

So that's where I've been the past two months...three? Anyway, I hope my readers can take a lesson of value from my personal ramblings and I look forward to telling you all about the latest world my madcap brain has cooked up.


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